Contract Bridge - Precision bidding system
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Please check conventions page for information about glossary, organizing the bride game and general conventions.

Bridge - precision system
(v3.0.0 2020-06-06, ©

Cheat sheet of the bidding system developed by C.C. Wei in 1963 with assistance from Mr. Alan Truscott and Italian champions - the Blue Team. The system is mainly based on the 《橋牌中級教程》 book, ISBN: 9787500907534. Tuned by Robert Zaremba based on Władysław Izdebski book: Precision Club. TAB (Trump-Asking Bid, alpha) and CAB (Control-Asking Bid, beta) responses have been replaced by simpler yet powerful fit-reverse sequence, keeping the principles and structure of the original system. Other changes: unusual 2NT opener.
This version uses transfers after 1♣ positive reponse (suit bid). This optimize bidding levels and keeps the gameplay on the strong hand (in a similar spirit to Jacoby Transfers after 1NT). A traditional version doesn't use transfers and it's presented at precision_no_transfers (v2).

Check also a more recent, widely played Meckwell Lite Precision.

"Convention card"

rebid = rebid own suit; raise = raise partner suit; shift = change suit. F = forcing 1 round; GF = game forcing; 3+# = min 3 cards in bid suit. M = major, m = minor.


Bid HCP Description
1♣ 16+ Strong hand, each distribution
1/1♠ 11-15 5+#
1NT 13-15 Balance hand, no 5# major
2♣ 11-15 6+♣ or 5♣ with 4# major
1 11-15 4+ OR 2+ 12+HCP and other strong 4# and not suitable for any other opening above
2 11-15 4-4-1-4 or 4-4-0-5 distribution, at most 1#, no 5# major
2NT 6-12 5-5 in minors, limited strength, (8-12 HCP if vul.)
2/2♠ 8-10 Good 6#
3♣/3 8-10 Semi-solid 7#, has side entry, invite to 3NT
3/3♠ 8-10 Good 7#, preemptive, 6 tricks for non-vul. (7 for vul.)
3NT ~10 Solid 7# in minor, side suit has little strength, gambling
4♣/4 10-15 Transfers, solid 8# in /♠, or solid 7# in /♠ with A or K in side suit
4/4♠ 8-10 non-solid 8#, preemptive


1♣ (16+ solid HCP)

This version is featured with fit-reverse sequence.
Bid Description
1 0-7 HCP, weak hand
1/1♠/1NT/2♣/2 transfers, 8+ HCP, 5+# or bal in case of 1♠ (transfer to 1NT)
2NT 11-13 or 16+ HCP, balanced, no 5# major
3NT 14-15 HCP, balanced, no 5# major
2/2♠/3♣/3 8+ HCP, 4-4-4-1 or 5-4-4-0, bid suit is shortage
3/3♠ 4-7 HCP, good 7#
4/4♠ 4-7 HCP, good 8#

1♣-X (after opp. intervention)

Bid Description
Pass 0-4 HCP
1 5-7 HCP
double 5-7 HCP, no #5 suit
X (cuebid) 8+ HCP with 4-4 major

1♣-1 (0-7 HCP, weak)

Bid Description
Simple 16-21 HCP, 5+# or (4M and 4-3-5-1)
raise: 3+#, 3-4 PC
j. raise: 4+#, 4+ PC
shift: 5+#, 5+ HPC
NT: bal, 5+ HPC
Jump 22+ HCP, 5+#; 9 winning tricks, 18+ HCP
2x jump 22+ P, 4-4-4-1/4-4-5-0's shortage suit
1NT 16-19 HCP, balanced, may have 5# minor
2NT 20-23 HCP, balanced, may have 5# minor
3NT 24+ HCP. balanced, may have 5# minor

1♣-1/1♠/1NT/2♣/2 (8+ HCP, 5+# / bal for 1♠)

Transfers respectively to 1♠/1NT/2♣/2/2. Promises a good 5+# hand (no upper limit), transfer to 1NT (1♣→1♠) promises a balanced (NT) hand. With fit you should accept by calling a transferred suit (the next suit), or call NT if combined hands are good for NT.
Responses to suit tranfer (1♣-1/1NT/2♣/2):
Bid Description
Jump accept to 4/4♠ 16 HCP, 4+# support, few controls, sign-off
Accept suit transfer (no 1NT) F!, usually 3+# support (or 2+# strong), asks for hand quality
Fit reverse (odwrotka) [instead of gamma]
+1: 8-11, 5#
+2: 8-11, 6#
+3: 12+, 5#
+4: 12+, 6#
Opener bids after fit-reverse response:
  • 2NT: F! ask for 4# side suit
  • 3A: (A=accepted suit) - minimum hand
  • jump: cue-bid

Example: 1♣-2♣ (transfer: 5+) - 2 (accept, fit-reverse request) - 2 (fit reverse response: weak with 5) - 2NT (side suit ask) - 3 (showing 4)- 4♣ (cue-bid showing stopper in ♣ and no stopper in ♠)...

Shift F!, 5+#, asks for fit
Fit reverse bis (odwrotka bis) [instead of alpha]
+1: 8-11, no fit
+2: 12+, no fit
+3: 8-11, fit
+4: 12+, fit

Example: 1♣-2♣ (transfer: 5+) - 2 (bid own suit) - 2NT (strong, no fit) - 3♠ (nat, show second suit) - 4♣/

Jump shift 19+ HCP, good 6+# or 9+ tricks, slam. →fit reverse bis
2x jump shift 17-19 HCP, Splinter, 4+# support, slam. →fit reverse
Simple NT 16-18 HCP, balanced, no support (2-), no own 5#. →nat
Jump NT 19+ HCP, balanced, no support (2-), no own 5#. →nat
3NT 16-18 HCP, shortage in partner's suit, no other better suit (only apply to 1/1♠ response)
Responses to 1NT tranfer (1♣-1♠)
Accept the transfer (1NT), even with 5M, or make a shift according to the table above.
Bid Description
2♣ 8-11 HCP. → 2 = Forcing Stayman
2 12+ HCP, no 4# major
2 12+ HCP, 4# and maybe 4#♠
2♠ 12+ HCP, 4#♠ and no 4#
4♣ 22-25 HCP, Gerber, ask for Aces
Example: 1♣ - 1♠ (transfer) - 1NT (accept) - 2♣ (8-11 HCP) - 2 (Stayman) - 2 (show 4), 4 (sign-off).

1♣-2/2♠/3♣/3 (8+ HCP, 4-4-4-1 or 5-4-4-0, bid suit is shortage)

Bid Description
Jump to suit game 16-18 HCP, 4+# (sometimes good 3#)
NT 16-18 HCP, balanced, invit
Simple 19+ HCP, 4+#, good shape, slam trial, →fit reverse bis

1♣-3/3♠ (4-7 HCP, good 7#)

Bid Description
Pass Lower bound, not support, no other better suit
Jump to game sign-off
shift Slam interest, ask for control
Control Reply
+1:no control
+2: K or singleton
+3: A or void

1♣-4/4♠ (4-7 HCP, good 8#)

Bid Description
Pass Lower bound, not support, no other better suit
Blackwood Slam trial

1♣-2NT (11-13 or 16+ HCP, balanced, no 5# major)

Bid Description
3/3/3♠ 16+ HCP, 5+#, forcing
3♣ 16+ HCP, Stayman
3NT 16-19 HCP, balanced, sign off
4NT 24+ HCP, balanced. →blackwood
4♣ 20-23 HCP, Gerber, ask for Aces

1♣-3NT (14-15 HCP, balanced, no 5# major)

Bid Description
Pass 16 HCP, balanced, sign off
4♣ 16-19 HCP, Gerber, ask for Aces
4 16+ HCP, 5# ♣ or , slam trial
Responder Rebid
4: ♣ support
4♠: support
4NT: Nil
If support both, reply as 4NT Blackwood
4/4♠ 16 HCP, 5#, sign off
4NT 20+ HCP, balanced

1 (11-15 HCP, usually 4#)

Bid Description
Pass 0-7 HCP, weak hand
1/1♠ 8-15 HCP, 4+#, forcing, search for 4# major matching
Opener (11-13 HCP) Opener (14-15 HCP)
raise: 4#
1♠: 4#.
2♣: 4+#, at least 5-4 in minor.
2: 6+# or good 5#.
1NT: else.
Jump raise: 4+# support.
Reverse (2/2♠): 4+#.
3♣: 4+#, at least 5-4 in minor.
3: 6+# or good 5#.
2NT: else.
1NT 8-11 HCP, balanced, no 4# major
2♣/2 11-15 HCP, 4+#, no 4# major, forcing (opener should either support or show 4# /♠)
3 8-10 HCP, 5+#, preemptive
3NT 13-15 HCP, balanced, no 4# major
Jump shift 16+ HCP, good 6+# or solid 5#, GF, slam interest
2NT 16+ HCP, normally balanced, GF

1/1♠ (11-15 HCP, 5#)

Bid Description
Pass 0-7 HCP, weak hand
8-10 HCP, 3+# support
Opener: Kokish two-way Game Tries
  • pass: 14- HCP, nothing special.
  • next (2/2NT): relay for stopper cue-bid. !F Opener asks responder to bid stopper ( 1-2-2♠-2NT = ♠).
  • shift < raise: short-suit game try. Shows short. !F 1-2-2NT shows short in ♠ (since 2♠ would be a relay).
  • raise: 6#, no short, invit.
  • jump raise (to game): good 6#, sign off.
Jump raise 11-13 HCP, 4+# or 3# (at least QXX) support, invit.
2x jump raise 8-10 HCP, 4+#, good distribution, sign off
3NT 13-15 HCP, 4+# support, no singleton or void, GF
2x jump shift Splinter, 13+ HCP, 4+# support, bid suit is shortage
shift 1-over-1: 1→1♠ 8-15 HCP, 4+#, forcing
Opener (11-13 HCP) Opener (14-15 HCP)
2♠ (raise): 4+#
2 (rebid): 6+#
2♣/2: 4+#
1NT: else
3♠ (j. raise): 4+#
3 (j. rebid): 6+#
3♣/3: 4+#
2NT: else
shift 2-over-1: 2♣/2/2 11-15 HCP,  4+# if minor, 5+# if major, forcing
Opener (11-13 HCP) Opener (14-15 HCP)
Raise: 3+#
Rebid (own): 6#+
Shift to 2m: 4+#
2NT: else
Jump Raise: 3+#
Jump Rebid (own): 6+#, GF
Shift to other major or 3m: 4+#
3NT: else
Jump shift 16+#, good 6+#, GF
1NT 8-15 HCP, no support, no other suitable bid
Opener (11-13 HCP) Opener (14-15 HCP)
pass: no other 4#
Rebid: 6+#
Shift: 4+#
Jump rebid: 6+#
Reverse (2♠): 4+#
Jump shift: good 5+#
2NT: else
2NT 16+#, waiting, GF

1NT (13-15 HCP, balanced, no 5# major)

Bid Description
Pass 0-9 HCP, balanced
2♣ 8-11 HCP, Stayman, ask for 4# major. If 8-11 HCP and 5+major or 6+minor, use this as relay.
2 12+ HCP, Forcing Stayman, ask for 4# major. If 12+ HCP and 5+major or 6+minor use this as relay.
2/2♠ 7- HCP, good 5+#, sign off
3♣/3 7- HCP, good 6+#, sign off
3/3♠ 11+ HCP, good 6+#, single suiter, GF
4/4 11+ HCP, Texas transfer (request opener to bid 4/4♠)
4♣ Gerber
2NT 10-11 HCP, no 4# major, invite to 3NT
3NT 12-17 HCP, no 4# major, sign off
4NT 18-21 HCP, balanced, invite to slam. →blackwood
5NT 22+ HCP, balanced, invite to slam. →blackwood

2♣ (11-15 HCP, 6+#♣ or 5#♣ + 4# major)

Bid Description
Pass 0-7 HCP, weak hand
2 11+ HCP, ask for card shape (2/♠=4+#; 2NT=6♣)
2/2♠ 8-10 HCP, 5+#
2NT 10-11 HCP, balanced, no 4# major, invite to 3NT
3♣ 8-10 HCP, 4 or good 3# support, normally no 4# major
Jump shift 14+ HCP, good 5+#
4♣ Under 7 HCP, 4+# support, preemptive


Bid Description
2/2♠ 4# (/♠)
2NT 6+# in ♣, has stopper in 2 outside suits
3♣ 6+#, has stopper in 1 outside suit
3 5/6# in /♠
3NT 6+ solid ♣, no 4# major

2 (11-15 HCP, 4-4-1-4 or 4-4-0-5 distribution)

Bid Decription
Pass 6+ , no other suit, no chance to make game
3 4+ & 4+♠, inv.
2/2♠/3♣ Weak hand, sign off, may have only 3# support
3/3♠/4♣ 5-7 HCP, 4+#, invit
4/4♠/5♣ 5+#, good shape and strength to game, sign off
3NT Good , has side suit entry, sign off
2NT 8+ HCP, ask for details, GF.

2/2♠ (8-10 HCP, good 6#)

The bidding class shares the same handler with SAYC/ACOL

Bid Description
Pass Negative
Raise and Jump raise Preemptive, sign off
2NT 13+ HCP, 2+#, ask to show feature, forcing
  • Rebid: 6-8 HCP, no feature in side suit
  • Shift: 9+ HCP, show singleton- or A/K
  • Jump shift minor: 9+ HCP, at least QXXXXX
  • 3NT: 9+ HCP, open suit at least AKQXXX
Shift 13+ HCP, good 5+#, ask for details, forcing
  • Raise: 3+# or 2 with at least QX
  • Rebid: 6-8 HCP
  • Shift: 9-10 HCP, at least KX, no support
  • Jump shift minor: weak splinter, 9+ HCP, 3+# good support
  • 3NT: 9-10 HCP, open suit at least AKQXXX
Jump shift splinter, 3#+ support, GF
3NT sign off

2NT (6-12 HCP, min 5-5 in minors)

Responses are natural

3NT (Solid 7# in minor, side suit has little strength, gambling)

Bid Description
4♣ Weak, 8-HCP, ask partner to pass or bid 4 if longer in
4 Ask for singleton
4 / 4♠ : show singleton
5♣: 7+♣, 1-
5: 7+, 1-♣
4NT: no singleton, hand is 7-2-2-2
5♣ 8+, same as after 3NT-4♣

4♣/4 (10-15 HCP, Transfers, solid 8# in /♠, or solid 7# in /♠ with A or K in side suit)

Bid Description
"next" inv to slam.
→ rebid longer if you want to pass; 4NT: full suit match; other: cue-bids
accept (call transferred suit), sign-off
4NT Blackwod
"other" cue-bid


Stayman 1NT-2♣ (
2: no 4# major 2: 4 and maybe 4♠.
2♠: 4# ♠
pass: sign off.
2 (2♠): 10+ HCP, 5 + 4♠, invit
3/3♠: 10+ HCP, 6+#, invit
3♣/3: 10+ HCP, 5+#, invit
2NT: 8+ HCP, nat
pass: sign off.
2♠ (shift): 8-11, 5+#, invit.
3♠ (jump shift): 10+, 6#, invit.
2NT: 10+, 4# in other major.
Raise: 10+, 4# (or 8+ and 5#), invit.
Forcing Stayman (1NT-2)
2NT: no 4# major and no 5# minor 2: 4 and maybe 4♠.
2♠: 4# ♠
3♣/3: 5#
shift: 5#
3NT: 14+, balanced.
shift: 5#
2NT: balanced.
Wilkosz (2), might be used in defense (eg overcall 1♣)
6-12 HCP, two 5+ suits, at least one 5+# in major.
2 /♠ 11+ HCP, 3+/♠
2NT 14+ HCP, ask for card shape:
  • 3♣: 5+♣ & 5+ major
  • 3: 5+ & 5+♠
  • 3: 5+ & 5+
  • 3♠: 5+ & 5+♠
3♣ 14+ HCP, strong 6♣
3 14+ HCP, invit, ask for major 5#
3 8-10 HCP, 3&♠, preemptive.
Stopper cue bidding
After setting the suit S we can start bidding lowest control: A or K or singleton or void, to invite for the game. Partner must cue bid his lowest control (even when weak) or bid S. If one player has by passed a suit showing no control and his partner still cue bids a new suit, he promises control in the by passed suit.
Blackwood RKC (102 / 1430)
After 4NT we count the # of Aces + trump K. The responses are: 5♣=1|4, 5=0|3, 5=2|5 (without trump Q), 5♠=2|5 (with trump Q).
→ After 5♣ or 5 the next step (skipping trump suit) ask for trump Queen. If you don't have the queen - sign off (bid our suit at the cheapest level). Otherwise bid your cheapest king (not counting trump one) or 5NT
→ The next step (or next+1 after 5♣ or 5) asks for kings only when Grand Slam can be developed. Response: bid the cheapest king you have.

Overcall, defense

Michaels Cue Bid
Bid opp. suit just after his opening. Promises 8+ HCP and 5-5 in two higher suits (over opp. minor opening) or 5 in other major and 5 in some minor (over opp. major opening)
Unusual NT
Similar to Michaels cue bid - immediate overcall of 2NT shows at least 5-5 in two smaller suits (not counting opp. suit).
After 1NT interruption (Y or *). Example for: 1NT-(2):
→ *=neg double; 2♠=nat, noF; 2NT=weak with 5#m or F with 4#♠; 3♣= nat F; 3= 3-#♠ ask for stopper; 3♠= nat F.
Bidding 2NT is the Lebensohl. Opener must relay 3♣. Then: → pas/3=week + 5♣/; 3=GF 4+#♠ no stop; 3♠= inv 5#♠; 3NT=nat + ♠stoppers.
Defense against suit opening
Overcall simple suit bid:
  • shift: 8+ HCP, very good 4+# (or good 5+#). 2over1 5+#. Then: cue-bid (10+) asks overcaller about quality (raise: minimum, shift 11+).
  • jump: 8+ HCP, 6+#
  • cuebid - Michaels, 2NT - unusual 2NT
Overcall weak 2:
  • double: 14+, shor in opener's suit.
  • suit: 14+, good 5+#
Defense against 1NT opening
Bid Meaning
Double Shows an equivalent hand as 1NT open bid.
2♣ Unknown one suited hand,
2 Both major suits (min 4-5).
2/♠ /♠ and a minor suit.
2NT Both minor suits (min 4-5)
Overall Natural
Negative double
After partner opening and opp. overcall ≤ 3♠. Requires 6+ HCP 4+# at level 1, and 8+ HCP 5+# at level 2. After 1/1♠ opening it usually invites for 3NT. Examples:
  • 1?-(1?)-*: no points to overcall, promises descend rebid and something else (eg 5#)
  • 1♣-(1)-*: 4-4 in majors
  • 1♣/1-(1)-*: 4# ♠
  • -(1♠)-*: 1 minor and descend rebid
Takeout double
After non-interrupted opp. bid ≤ 3♠. Promises: strong one suited hand (16+HCP 6# or 19+ HCP 5#) or balanced too strong (19+ HCP) to overcall 1NT or (std) 12+ HCP, short in opp suit, nothing good to open.
Roman discard (Odd/Even)
2,4: discourage given and signal the lower suit (from 2 remaining)
6,8: discourage given and signal the higher suit
3,5,7: to signal the given suit
Like Revolving discard, you select higher or lower suite out from the remaining rather than revolving. So when discarding low ♣ to leading then in Lavintahl you signal but in Revolving you signal ♠.

A1. Rubber scoring

Rubber consist of two games. To make a first game (be vulnerable) you need 100 points below the line. After that all points in that sector are undersocred and each team starts points below the line from 0.
Below the line, only for contract points - for each odd trick bid and made. Redouble doubles all doubled values. Undoubled Doubled
♣, / , ♠ 20 / 30 40 / 60
no trump (first / subsequents) 40 / 30 80 / 60
Above the line
Overtricks not vul. (before having first game) as for tricks 100
Overtricks vul. as for tricks 200
Penalties: (awarded by defending side)
* not vul. undertricks (first / subsequents) 50 100 / 200
* bulnerable undertricks (first / subsequents) 100 200 / 300
Bonuses all above the line. Values are not doubled by Double or Redouble Score
award for a doubled / redoubled contract made 50 / 100
successful small slam - contract to win 12 tricks (not vul. / vul.) 500 / 750
successful grand slam - contract to win 13 tricks (not vul. / vul.) 1000 / 1500
Rubber (opponents have / doesn't have a game) 300 / 500
For a non-sport game
Rubber (opponents have / doesn't have a game) 500 / 700
one hand holding any 4 of the 5 trump suit honors 100
one hand holding all 5 trump suit honors, or all 4 aces in a notrump contract 150

A2. Card distributions