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Personal Development Solution Architect Highly Effective Human

In every non individual project we have an aspect of people and collaboration. Humans are emotional creatures, therefore we have to care about each other. In all projects I'm in, I'm bringing into the live the following rules:

I encourage to follow the Agile workflow: where I discuss the whole product development process.

Another methodology I follow, and fully recommend is the Workflow.

After years of experience running companies, and tons of blog posts and books, we've concluded that, despite a rich body of organizational theory, the practice of organizations is a big mess. Many random concepts, ideas, tips, tricks, heuristics, "systems," etc. Lots of trauma, power struggle, failed expectations, unaccountability. Lots of "Google does this" and "Netflix does that." Lots of deference to Silicon Valley's dominant narratives and ideologies. But what's often lacking is a meaningful yet practical way to reason from first principles about organizational structure and accountability.

We were introduced to a simple language called "Workflow" by Melissa Angeli and Laura McKinney of Jacquarden Consulting. Laura and Melissa were previously the CEO and Head of People for Galois (respectively), a successful R&D company in the US with an acclaimed organizational design, known as the Collaborative Web (original source). The paper describes common dysfunctions in management and leadership and how the collaborative web structure resolves them. It is well worth reading.

Meetings: rules of order

Running teams with a large communities / multi disciplinary teams is challenging. Robert's Rules of Order is a document that explains general parliamentary procedure. It has become a standard reference for all types of business meetings that requier a parliamentary authority, from small local organizations to large corporations. Business and groups of all kind may follow these basic rules of procedure to govern their _organization_ (organization of a group), hold effective meetings, and ensure equal, fair treatment for all of their members.